Hi fellow snack leader!

My name is Tiffany Chen (she/her) and my mission is to educate the world about the power of positive reinforcement training through social media.

After adopting my first puppy and searching for the right advice, I saw how the dog training industry wasn't regulated and became so concerned. I noticed the need to help certified dog trainers grow their businesses through social media.  

I started Pawsistant in 2021 as a weekend hobby to make extra money and spread education. Within 6 months, I grew my account to 1k followers and attracted enough clients to quit my corporate job. I saw how powerful content marketing can be and wanted to share my tips with all of the R+ businesses.

Within 3 years, I've worked with over 70+ positive reinforcement pet professionals to help them grow their business via social media! 

​I graduated with a Bachelor's Degree in Communication Studies from the University of Las Vegas, Nevada. I currently live in Las Vegas with my spouse, Danny, and my dog, Sihtric.

Tiffany Chen Yall Need Science

Media Appearances

Tiffany with laptop outside
School For The Dogs
Episode 178
Listen Now
Tiffany with laptop and phone
Tales From a Vet Tech
Episode 33
Listen Now
Tiffany with Sihtric
Paws & Reward Podcast
Episode 61
Listen Now
Tiffany with phone
Canvas Rebel
Meet Tiffany Chen
Read Here


August 2023 - DogBiz Thrive - Instagram & Content Creation 101

October 2023 - APDT Conference - How to Create Social Media Content To Attract Your Ideal Clients

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